California Dental Insurance, Avoiding Discount Dental Scams Online
I never bought dental insurance yet alone dental insurance on line. My insurance agent does not sell dental insurance and told me to look online for some. It is a little bit scary and I would like tips on how to avoid any misunderstanding that will cost me money. The most important thing I found is that discount plans pass themselves off as insurance and that is a scam. Where can I get a real dental insurance plan?
Reply: First I am not able to speak in regards to what you may have found on other websites with regards to Dental Discount Plans. However, I can say that each dental discount plan has to be disclosed as a Discount Plan. You can see on our website that although we do offer discount plans they are disclosed as such. We also offer many different dental insurance plan options as well. Depending on your own dental care needs will depend on which type of dental insurance (and yes even a dental plan) fits best.
My best advise is to read. Read plans terms and conditions. Make sure you understand the plans limitations and restrictions. If you are unsure or do not fully understand the plan you are reviewing the call. Call member services and ask questions about the dental insurance or plan until you fully understand what it is you are possibly going to buy.